Product Overview
Mixing up The Claims melodic guitar pop with Jim Rileys Medway R&B
might seem incongruous. But this is a story that goes all the way back to
1982, when The Claim supported Jims first band Wipeout at their school
disco. At the Ame, Wipeout were frequently playing shows with the likes of
Nine Below Zero and Dr. Feelgood. Lemmy was a regular in the crowd at
Wipeouts legendary performances at Dingwalls.
Jim is one of the holy trinity from the post-punk Medway generaAon, along
with Billy Childish and Graham Day. In 1982 The Claim were just figh-form-
ers, delighted to get the opportunity to back up a proper group. Jim was
impressed enough with The Claim to offer them a follow up slot at the leg-
endary M.I.C. Club in Medway, and therein begun a long term associaAon.
The associaAon saw Jim guest on The Claims recordings and co-produce a
number of their records, including the recently re-issued Boomy Tella LP
from 1988. Fast forward to 2017s Medway Weekender at 100 Club, Lon-
don, at which Jim got up on stage with The Claim to tear through Sonny Boy
Williamsons Help Me and The Claim pop ballad Mrs Jones.
A resulAng offer of a slot at the London Blues FesAval saw Jim invite The
Claim to be his backing group - the Blues FoundaAon. They enjoyed re-
hearsals at Jims renowned Ranscombe Studios in Rochester, Kent so much,
they decided to record them. A Very BriAsh Blues Explosion was released
in 2018 by Trouserphonic Records. In the meanAme, The Claim were also
beavering away at Ranscombe Studios, recording their first album in 30
years, with Jim again at the controls. The criAcally acclaimed album, The
New Industrial Ballads was released by A Turntable Friend Records in May
Limited to 300 hand-numbered copies, The Claims Spring Turns To Winter
is a reflecAon on gekng older. Lyrically it was inspired by Sinatras It Was A
Good Year. Musically there are notes of treacle and spice. Jim Rileys Blues
FoundaAons Loves Got A Hold Of Me has some beauAful harp, guitar,
Hammond and a massively loud Motown-esque tambourine. Jim sings with
soul from experience.
might seem incongruous. But this is a story that goes all the way back to
1982, when The Claim supported Jims first band Wipeout at their school
disco. At the Ame, Wipeout were frequently playing shows with the likes of
Nine Below Zero and Dr. Feelgood. Lemmy was a regular in the crowd at
Wipeouts legendary performances at Dingwalls.
Jim is one of the holy trinity from the post-punk Medway generaAon, along
with Billy Childish and Graham Day. In 1982 The Claim were just figh-form-
ers, delighted to get the opportunity to back up a proper group. Jim was
impressed enough with The Claim to offer them a follow up slot at the leg-
endary M.I.C. Club in Medway, and therein begun a long term associaAon.
The associaAon saw Jim guest on The Claims recordings and co-produce a
number of their records, including the recently re-issued Boomy Tella LP
from 1988. Fast forward to 2017s Medway Weekender at 100 Club, Lon-
don, at which Jim got up on stage with The Claim to tear through Sonny Boy
Williamsons Help Me and The Claim pop ballad Mrs Jones.
A resulAng offer of a slot at the London Blues FesAval saw Jim invite The
Claim to be his backing group - the Blues FoundaAon. They enjoyed re-
hearsals at Jims renowned Ranscombe Studios in Rochester, Kent so much,
they decided to record them. A Very BriAsh Blues Explosion was released
in 2018 by Trouserphonic Records. In the meanAme, The Claim were also
beavering away at Ranscombe Studios, recording their first album in 30
years, with Jim again at the controls. The criAcally acclaimed album, The
New Industrial Ballads was released by A Turntable Friend Records in May
Limited to 300 hand-numbered copies, The Claims Spring Turns To Winter
is a reflecAon on gekng older. Lyrically it was inspired by Sinatras It Was A
Good Year. Musically there are notes of treacle and spice. Jim Rileys Blues
FoundaAons Loves Got A Hold Of Me has some beauAful harp, guitar,
Hammond and a massively loud Motown-esque tambourine. Jim sings with
soul from experience.